Wesley Lashbrook’s work resume consists of both nationally and international environmental health and safety professional experience over a 36 year period. His Bachelors and Masters of Science degrees are from Oregon State University.
Wesley Lashbrook has a Master’s Degree in Environmental Health and is employed as an Industrial Hygienist and Safety Professional with DeVany Industrial Consultants in Vancouver, Washington. As an environmental safety and health consultant to local, national and international organizations, he assesses, creates, maintains and improves comprehensive environmental and occupational safety and health programs. He is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a Certified Safety Professional, both in Comprehensive Practice. In addition, he is a professional member of American Society of Safety Engineers and a Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Professional Leadership Positions (Past and Current – Highlights Only):
President, President Elect and Vice President, American Society of Safety Engineers, Columbia Willamette Chapter
Board of Directors of the Silicon Forest Safety Professionals
Northwest Liaison – Semiconductor Safety Association
Education Chair, Portland Area, Pacific NW American Industrial Hygiene Association
President, Silicon Forest Safety Professionals
Director, Pacific NW Semiconductor Safety Association
Industry Chair, Benton County (Oregon) Hazardous Materials Response Plan
Hewlett Packard Corvallis Representative to the Industrial Hygiene Technology Development Council
Chair, AIHA National Safety Committee
Vice Chair and Secretary, AIHA National Environmental and Occupational Medicine Committee